
Koshien match opening

Koshien match has started.

It was canceled last year due to the influence of Corona, and it will be held for the first time in two years.

When it was decided to cancel last year,

I remember seeing high school baseball players crying on TV.

At the opening ceremony, actor Ikusaburo Yamazaki sang the song "The crown shines on you" with a cappella.

Last year, it was sung enthusiastically on NHK's morning drama "Ale",

He is also from the baseball club and was deeply hurt by the cancellation.

A beautiful full chorus singing voice echoed in the stadium.

The appearance of being sung seriously in uniform is the same as the high school baseball children who overcame hardships.

There are various public opinions, but I want the children to do their best without regrets!


This painting is an ale from me, who was playing the tuba in the brass band club when I was a student, to the children.

It's a tuba character!

Do your best! High school baseball players ~! ! !